Sunday, December 11, 2005
Junior World of Floorball Challenge
A half day competition called the "Junior 3-on-3 World of Floorball Challenge" was organised and held in Dalat International School today. There were altogether 8 junior teams; of which 5 were from Dalat (Jets, Justice League, Fire, Eaglets & Tripod), 2 from the Innebandy! Co. club (Innebandy I & II) and 1 representing Team Contact (Contact Juniorz with Bryan Looi, Nicholas Yeoh and Calvin Tan).
Contact Juniorz had a slow and shakey start for their 1st game against Jets; which they marginally lost by 0-1 with some tough defending by the team. After some minor changes in positions, Contact Juniorz came back with a vengence in their 2nd game against a rather tired and subdued Justice League. Contact Juniorz won the game 6-0; in which Bryan scored 4 goals and Nicholas 2 goals. The 3rd game against Fire was basically a must win situation in order for Contact Juniorz to progress to the semi-finals stage of the competition. Although trailing early in the game by 1 goal, Contact Juniorz held their round, persevered and came back to win the game by 4-1 (3 goals by Bryan and 1 by Nicholas) and earned their spot in the semi-finals. The semi-final game against Eaglets was by far the most exciting game for the team. Contact Juniorz played their hearts out and continued fighting although were found trailing behind. In the end, Contact Juniors lost by 2-4. Bryan and Nicholas scored a goal each. Contact Juniorz's final game to determine either the bronze medal or 4th placing, was against Tripod. Both teams were already rather tired but continued to play a good game. Contact Juniorz opened the scoring with a goal from Nicholas. Tripod then came back with the equaliser mid way through the game. With the bronze medal at stake, Contact Juniorz pressed on and clinched the winner, with another goal by Nicholas.
Final score 2-1 to Contact Juniorz and the bronze medal. The final standings, Jets - champion, Eaglets - silver medal and Contact Juniorz - bronze medal.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
3-on-3 Floorball Challenge
The first 3-on-3 Floorball Challenge hit Penang at the Red Crescent Society. The half-day event attracted 8 men's teams and 3 ladies' teams from various clubs and schools in Penang . Although we had other teams who expressed their interest to participate but could not do so due to exam period, nevertheless with such moderate number of teams all present truly enjoyed themselves. The event saw the debut appearance of junior players who currently train under the Frontliners Club. Calling themselves The Fearless, they showed no sign of fear and intimidation when playing against experienced players like the Penang Islanderz. Although they did not win any matches, they certainly took home an abundance of experiences and are definitely looking forward to more of such events. KDU Penang also made their debut appearance. They were the first college to be a part of floorball development in Penang and we certainly see some good players in the making.
Innebandy! Co. (formerly known as Blazing Eagles) and Penang Islanderz showed very consistent game and won all the 3 matches to top their table. Both teams made it to the finals and fought a good fight on court. Penang Islanderz which showed some really good play were the better of the both that day and won the Champion's title by a score of 4-3. They took away gold medals, Precision balls and hampers by Excel. The 3rd Placing match was no less intense as Team Underdogs and Permata played a very good game as well. Underdogs won the 2nd Runner-Up title to take home the bronze medals. The Ladies' teams – (FH)2, Sempoi and Xcel were determined to play their utmost best to get a good worth of their money and also to win the Champion's title. Team (FH)2 comprising 2 players of Contact Club namely Sarah Ng and Melisa Leng together with Sharon Tan and Tabitha of Frontliners Club managed to top the Ladies' team to bring home the gold medals, Precision balls and hampers by Excel and Precision. Indeed it was a good event for Contact Sports to fulfill its visions in helping people make the right contacts and develop skills and precision.
Overall, it was also a good event for many to develop friendships and gain experiences. A good development for the Penang Floorball scene as well! Many thanks to all those who help make the event a succes – Excel for sponsoring drinks and hampers, Red Crescent Society for making its venue available, participating teams from various clubs and schools, and the ardent fans and spectators. Look out for the next 3-on-3 Floorball Challenge 2006!

Sunday, October 23, 2005
Dalat Floorball League
The Dalat Floorball League was from October 1-23, and Team Contact made its debut appearance on 1/10/05 with a match against Blazing Eagles. The team did fairly well battling against an experienced team despite having trained only once on the week week prior to the match. All the players were in high spirit and everyone rose up to the occasion and played their utmost best. A humble beginning for the team, we lost 1-3, but definitely a great team in the making…..
The second match on 8/10/05 was against the Frontliners. Team effort arose within each member as we strived to not just defend but attack in every way possible. That spirit contributed to the success of our team as we won the game with the score of 2-1.
We played against Dalat 2 on 15/10/05. We did not do as well for the first period but that did not stop us from playing a better game for the second and final period. Favor was on us when Edward scored a penalty shot to give us a 3-2 lead. We won the match 5-2.
Our fourth match was against Penang Islanderz on 22/10/05. The team did not rest on the laurels even after winning two previous matches consecutively. The team played a good game against one of the strongest team in the whole Penang . Although we lost 2-6, the cheering of our supporters made us feel like champions for that night.
The final match against Dalat 1 on 23/10/05 was the match that will determine our placing in the tournament. With our intense desire to win this match and our eyes targeted on the bronze medals, every player put up a good fight. Even the goalkeeper had many good saves. It was an excellent team game with different players scoring goals. Bryan scored 2 goals with James (his dad) giving us the opening goal. We won the match 5-3. It was indeed a sweet victory for the team and the best game for us in the whole mini league!

The overall results for the mini league:
Champions – Penang Islanderz
1st Runner-up – Blazing Eagles
2nd Runner-up – CONTACT
Top Scorers:
Deswyn Wan (Blazing Eagles) - 17 goals
Edward Lim (Contact) - 10 goals
Oliver (Penang Islanderz) - 9 goals
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Floorball Demo in Schools
The months of September and October saw ContactSports take floorball into a number of schools. On September 23, We took floorball into SK Air Itam. The demonstration was targeted at 10-12 year olds and approximately 130 students of both boys and girls participated in the demo.
On September 24, we went into an all boys' school, SK Wellesley as part of their Children's Day program to conduct a floorball demonstration. We saw approximately 250 students ranging from 7 to 12 year-olds, getting all excited even before getting a hands-on experience with the stick and ball. Many enjoyed themselves.
September 28, We had the opportunity to go into a Chinese School. Targeted at the 10-11 year olds, we saw approximately 200 students from SJK (C) Jelutong participate in the demonstration. Boys and girls alike regardless of their sizes, showed their interest in wanting to learn the game. The school later purchased a set of equipment and are on their way to setting up a club.
October 01, Hutchings Primary School was the venue for our floorball demonstration. Once again it was targeted at the 7 to 12 year-olds as part of their Children's Day program. The interesting thing about this day was that the teachers also came to participate and sweat it out on court. Approximately 150 students and their teachers were present for this unforgettable experience of the adrenalin pumping game.+012.jpg)
October 10, was the date we went into an all girls' primary school, SRK Convent Pulau Tikus for a session with the 10 year-olds. Approximately 100 students attended the introduction session and viewing of floorball clips. Many signed up on that very day to learn more about floorball and showed interest to join a club.
On October 18, we were taking floorball into yet another chinesse primary school - SJK (C) Shang Wu. Approximately 200 students comprising boys and girls ages 10 and 11 showed their enthusiasm in trying out the newly introduced game.
These two months were exiting in getting the kids to experience the game of floorball. We definately hope that we will have more of such opportunities to share floorball with more kids.
Saturday, October 15, 2005
3-on-3 Futsal Challenge
The 3-on-3 Futsal Challenge saw 12 teams, all sweating it out on the court vying for the top 3 placing. This event was organized to provide an avenue for young people to have healthy activity and foster good friendships. The matches were played on round robin basis in 4 groups comprising teams from various colleges, schools and churches.
Many supporters came to cheer for their favourite team. Disted College which sent 2 teams won the title with "Disted Chan-Ka" emerging as the Champion. "Average Joe" from Dalat School won the 1st Runner-up title, whilst "Bayan Baru FC (B)" emerged as the 2nd Runner-up. It was definitely a tough fight between "Disted Chan-Ka" and "Average Joe" with a score of 5-3. All the top 3 teams took away medals, hampers and vouchers courtesy of Prangin Sports Centre. Vico graced the event as well by providing chocolate drinks for the players and supporters. Many thanks to all the sponsors, helpers and also the referees, Mr. Saras and Mr. Joshua Lim for a good show!

Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Floorball School Established
Contact Floorball School was established to further train players who desired to take the sport seriously. The school offers comprehensive floorball programmes conducted by committed and experienced coaches that target both new and seasoned players.
It will lay a foundation for the students right from the very basics of floorball. This school currently runs its programmes at the Red Crescent Society from 4.00-5.00pm every Wednesday. We hope that to grow the school in providing more sessions in the near future to accomodate more players who are serious about getting the right technique of the game.
Monday, June 6, 2005
WFC 2005
The Women’s 5th World Championship was held in Singapore from the 28 May-5 June 2005. Ms. Sarah Ng, Ms. Goh Simin and Ms. Penny Khoo from our club represented Malaysia in the championship. Mr. Edward Lim was the Asst. Manager of the Malaysian contingent. This was the first time these 3 have represented Malaysia in the WFC and it was truly an experience to be remembered.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Youthwave Floorball Tournament
The 2nd Penang Youthwave Floorball Tournament 2005 was held at the Balik Pulau Sports Complex. 15 teams from various clubs and schools participated in the adrenalin- pumping-tournament. Contact Floorball Club did not send a team as we dispersed our players to other teams.
Our players played their hearts out in the tournament. Ms. Sarah Ng emerged Best Women Player for the second year. The whole tournament was generously sponsored by Penang Floorball Association (PFA), 100 Plus, Vico, Fujifilm and others who wished to remain anonymous.
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