Sunday, January 6, 2008

Mascot for Contact Floorball Club

As of this year 2008, Contact Floorball Club will have the fire ant as its mascot. We chose the fire ant because it has characteristics that will be upheld by members of Team Contact. Here are some of them:

They are one of the strongest animals on Earth, with the ability to lift a seed five times its weight. Elephants are only able to lift objects one fifth their weight.
As such, we in team contact will make it a priority to develop and exercise our physical strength in the game.

There are more than a million different kinds of insects in the world, most of them solitary insects. Fire ants are social insects. They live in communities and depend on one another to gather food, help build the nest, raise and care for their young, and protect themselves from enemies.
As there is support within their colony, there will also be great support in Team Contact. We exist for the team!

Fire ants are extremely organized. Every fire ant has a job to do. They go about their job day after day, never stopping.
Young fire ants help the queen deliver her eggs and tend to the larvae.
Tunnel diggers dig new tunnels as the population grows, making room for increased traffic and new rooms for eggs and larvae.
Guard fire ants stay near the entrance of the mound, blocking strangers from entering.
Winged male and female fire ants go on mating flights in the spring and summer and start new colonies.
And foragers, the oldest of the colony, search for food.
Every player in Team Contact will be trained and groomed to take on specific roles and we will do our job with excellence. We seek that each player excels in our position during the game.

Fire ants are small, only about 1/8 to 1/4 inch long but the variation in size is a distinguishing feature of a fire ant colony. Many other ant species are uniform in size.
We are proud that Team Contact comes in various shapes and sizes (literally). From young players, beginners, to those who are in the national team, and even those belonging to the "fat man's club"; We Welcome All!

Fire ants are known for their lively and aggressive behavior, swarming over anyone or anything that disturbs their nest, often attacking wild animals, baby animals, pets or people, in some instances, even killing them.
We do not plan on killing anybody, but we will however defend our territory with aggression during the game. Step into the shooting zone and we will take you out!

The Killer Sting:
The most significant problem associated with fire ants is their stinging behavior. The ants are very aggressive and will readily attack anything that disturbs their mound. After firmly grasping the skin with its jaws, the fire ant arches its back as it inserts its rear-end stinger into the flesh, injecting venom from the poison sac. It then pivots at the head and typically inflicts an average of seven to eight stings in a circular pattern. Fire ant venom is unique because of the high concentration of toxins, which are responsible for the burning pain characteristic of fire ant stings. Thus, the name fire ants.
Our offence will be as high intensity as our defense. A person who steps on a fire ant mould has approximately 15 seconds before he is swarmed and stung repeatedly. We will make it a point to attack repeatedly with sharp, swift and accurate shots to the backnet of the opponent's goal.

With that, Team Contact will also be known as FireAnts!
Look out for our team logo coming out soon. ;)

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