Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Youthwave Triple Challenge

Once again, Contact Sports had the privilege to service Youthwave by coordinating the annual Youthwave tournament. Instead of focusing solely on Floorball alone, Youthwave decided to expand their horizon by adding two more sports, Captain Ball and Ultimate Frisbee. Thus this year, the mega event is known as YOUTHWAVE TRIPLE CHALLENGE 2008! The additional sports were introduced with the aim to provide a bigger platform for more young people to be involved in sports.

The Youthwave Triple Challenge was held on 19 April 2008 at Balik Pulau Sports Complex and unexpectedly drew overwhelming responses from various churches, schools, organizations and clubs. There were a total of 48 teams for all the sports. Floorball Men (16 teams), Floorball Ladies (10 teams), Captain Ball (18 teams) and Ultimate Frisbee (4 teams)! All these were represented by:-
Excel Point Community Church
Fettes Park Baptist Church
FGA Centre
Georgetown Baptist Church
Hillside Baptist Church
Penang Christian Centre
Reservoir Garden Baptist Church
Tabernacle of Praise
Wesley Methodist Centre
Hamid Khan School
Methodist Girls School
Contact Floorball Club
Minden UniHawks Floorball Club (USM)

All the 3 sports were played simultaneously. Floorball was played in the indoor stadium while both Captain Ball and Ultimate Frisbee were played at the field. The weather was quite bearable during first part of the day; just a little sun/heat to give an extra oomph to those playing outside. However, it started to pour quite heavily at about lunchtime. We had to very quickly reorganize and place the Captain Ball games into the indoor stadium. Most were thankful for the rain as the heat outside was beginning to take a toll on the participants. As for Ultimate Frisbee, the teams had to wait for the rain to subside before playing their final game.

It was quite a tiring day for all. Towards the end of the Challenge, many players were seen having cramps. It was definitely a sign of the players playing with all their might and strength and their utmost best to win the Challenge Trophy.

All in all it was a great day of fellowship, and not forgetting true sportsmanship! The Challenge could not have been possible if not for these various people who stepped in to lend their helping hands…Here’s our deepest appreciation to them for their generous contribution…
Sponsors : YEOs and VICO
Referees : Floorball – James Looi, Kenny Khoo, Sam Teoh, Deswyn Wan, Wilson Moy,
Loh Jowyee and Chiam Ter Min
Captain Ball – Pr. Daniel Loh and Choong Kit Soon
Ultimate Frisbee – Pr. Amos Eng
Helpers (set-up and secretariats): Eng Seong, Zhong Hua, Paul, Jia Ning, Xiao Hui, Wilson Moy, Kenny Khoo, Sheryn Ng, Lee Wai Wai, Jia Jian, Ken and Yang.

Men's Floorball:
Champion: Torch Bearerz (PCC)
1st Runner-up: Salibandy! CO (TOP)
2nd Runner-up: Innebandy! CO (TOP)
3rd Runner-up: Frontliners Revolution (RGBC)

Women's Floorball:
Champion: Fronliners Fury (RGBC)
1st Runner-up: G12 Dashes (MGS)
2nd Runner-up: G12 Edna Modes (MGS)
3rd Runner-up: Underdawgs Hailstorm (USM)

Captain Ball:
Champion: Snowhites & Her 7 Dudes (HBC)
1st Runner-up: Kungfu Monkeys (PCC)
2nd Runner-up: The Incredible Monkeys (PCC)
3rd Runner-up: Battle Sheep (PCC)

Ultimate Frisbee:
Champion: 412 Throwers (GBC)
1st Runner-up: Xalt (HBC)
2nd Runner-up: Javelins (FGA)
3rd Runner-up: Impact!! (WMC)

Points are given to the winners of each category to determine the overall winner and the results are as followers:

Champion: Penang Christian Centre - 11 Points
1st Runner-up: Hillside Baptist Church - 8 Points
2nd Runner-up: Reservoir Garden Baptist Church - 6 Points

Saturday, April 19, 2008

FireAnts Make Local News!

It was a surprise to most of us, but excitement filled the air as smses were sent back and forth concerning the article that appeared in The Star yesterday (18 April 2008) which featured the recent Penang Floorball League and a full blown picture of the FireAnts with their medals and trophy. "How many copies of the newspaper did you buy?"... Well, most of the team members had at least one copy to savour but a few in the team bought more than that to send the article to family and friends who don't get the northern version of The Star. We have included it here, so that you can have a read of it as well. Floorball IS DEFINITELY Making Inroads!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Floorball Grill Winners!

Well, here it is! After 7 weeks of floorball action in the PFL2008, we are proud to announce the winners to the Floorball Grill. For those of you who did not participate because you did not bother to look up the answers, here they are for you:

Q1. How many dimples are there on the official IFF game ball?
Answer: 1516.
Prize: Contactsports Cap and RM20 Voucher
Winner: Kao Lin Ken

Q2. Which countries established their flooball associations before IFF was founded?
Answer: Sweden, Japan, Switzerland and Finland.
Prize: Precision Ball and RM20 Voucher
Winner: Kao Lin Ken

Q3. When a penalty shot is taken, what happens if the ball first hits the bar of the goal cage and then bounces off the keeper and from there into the goal?
Answer: It will be considered a goal.
Prize: Contactsports Cap and RM20 Voucher
Winner: James Looi

Q4. How often is the IFF Rule Book edited and when is the implementation of the next edition?
Answer: Every 4 years. The next edition will be implemented on 1 July 2010.
Prize: Precision Ball and RM20 Voucher
Winner: James Looi

Q5. What is the official system used in floorball to determine the ranking of teams within a group in a competition?
Answer: The ranking within a group shall be decided in the following order:
a)The total number of points.
b)If two or more teams have the same number of points the internal matches of the teams concerned, the internal goal difference included if necessary, shall be decisive.
c)If the internal matches according to b) are not decisive, most scored goals internally shall be decisive.
d)If the ranking can not be decided by the internal matches, the total goal difference of the teams concerned shall be decisive.
e)If the total goal difference is not decisive most scored goals of the teams concerned shall be decisive.
f)f most scored goals is not decisive a drawing of lot with the teams concerned shall settle the ranking.
Prize: Contactsports Cap and RM20 Voucher
Winner: Chiam Ter Min

Q6. What equipment besides a correctly numbered jersey/shirt must a goalkeeper have in order to play in a game?
Answer: An IFF approved face mask (helmet), long trousers and SHOES.
Prize: Precision Ball and RM20 Voucher
Winner: Nil (no winners here as all entries received were incomplete)

Q7. If a goalkeeper handles with his hands the ball passed by a player on his own team, a free-hit a awarded to the opposing team. What sign should the referee make for this offence?
Answer: Delaying Play
Prize: Contactsports Cap and RM20 Voucher
Winner: James Looi

Grand Prize: Vouchers worth RM200!
The Grand Prize goes to the first person will all the correct answers, but since there is no one single person who got all the answers correct, the Grand Prize will go to the first person with the most correct answers)
Winner: James Looi (answering 6 out of 7 questions correctly)

Congratulations to all the prize winners! And even those who sent your entries in, but did not manage to get a prize, congrats to you too. Perhaps next year it wil be your turn to be the first one in. Look out next year for the 2nd edition of The Floorball Grill. Cheers!

*We will contact prize winners to collect prizes soon.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Team Contact

Unlike the other teams, we have waited until the end of the league to officially introduce the members of Team Contact. So here are the players, but they only make a fraction of the team as we recognize the spouses, parents, and family members who play a very important part in this team. We are all linked together and this team is bigger that what is seems. Thank you, for making Team Contact a Great Team!

Team Contact FireAnts
Back Row L to R: Calvin Tan, David Ng, Choong Kit Soon, Henry Cheang, Joshua Lim
Front Row L to R: Isaac Ang, Nicholas Yeoh, Kenny Khoo, Bryan Looi, James Looi, Edward Lim, Penny Khoo

Team Contact Bullets
Back Row L to R: Richard Yeoh, Lim Kai Sheng, Ben Lim, Lawrence Chin, Ian Khor, Sophia Lim, Hai Chin, Sophia Ang
Front Row L to R: Joshua Wong, Isaac Ng, Eythan Yeoh, Benjamin Ong, Chang Sunn Huey, Don Shakir
Not in pic: Sheryn Ng (away on assignment when photo was taken. Apologies!)

Team Contact after the prize giving!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Grand Finale!

Minden UniHawks and Frontliners Spartans had the privilege to play the very last match of Division-1 and end the Penang Floorball League 2008! What an honor to have so many eyes watching the game. Not forgetting the limelight they were in with the presence of YB Koay Teng Hai, Deputy Minister of the Penang Youth and Sports Ministry as well as reporters and photographer from The Star Newspaper! It was truly an honor to have YB Koay and the The Star representatives with us!!

It was a very important match for 3 teams basically, Frontliners Spartans, Minden UniHawks and Innebandy!CO. A win for Frontliners Spartans would mean the silver medal is theirs to keep. A win for Minden UniHawks would have them redeem their pride after losing the other 5 matches and also a blessing for Innebandy!CO which will then take home the silver. Contact FireAnts were spared from this pressure as we have sealed the victory last Tuesday! A definite relief for all of us! Phew!!

Final result? With nothing to lose, Minden UniHawks rose up to the occasion and fought a good fight on court with a score of 5-3 and gave the silver to the Innebandiens. Many predicted that Frontliners Spartans would have won the game, considering the fact that they were more experienced. But as the saying goes...the ball is round, and you would never know where it would end! On a personal note, Frontliners Spartans had improved much as a team in terms of skills! Keep it up!

And the moment where everyone was waiting for…the speech by the PFA Acting President, Mr. James Looi followed by presentation of medals to the winners and not forgetting, the Challenge Trophy that we, FireAnts have worked very hard for!! It was truly a grand finale and a glorious moment for those in Team Contact! Thank you YB Koay for gracing the occasion and presenting the medals. Thank you supporters and everyone in Contact (be it FireAnts or Bullets)! You all are truly a fiery force to be reckoned with!
Ready? 3...2...1...CONTACT!!!!!

PFL2008 Fun Facts

The Penang Floorball League 2008 has just ended, but there is still much to talk about the goals that should or should not have gone in, strategies that went wrong, the pushing and shoving, the referees' calls, the masking tape on the jerseys, and the list goes on... oh, not forgetting the plans for the league next year.

Here is a compilation of some fun facts of PFL2008 straight from the secretariat's desk that may interest some:

Duration of the League: 6 weeks
(24 games played over 7 weekends and 6 weekdays)

Total Number of Teams: 8
(4 in Division-1, 4 in Division-2)

Total Number of Players: 112
(54 in Division-1, 58 in Division-2)

Youngest player:
Eythan Yeoh (Contact Bullets) - 10 yrs

Oldest Player:
Richard Yeoh (Contact Bullets) - 46 yrs

Total Number of Goals Scored: 215
Division-1: 97 goals
Division-2: 118 goals

Top Goal Scorers in Division-1:
Nicholas Yeoh (Contact FireAnts) - 8 goals
Edward Lim (Contact FireAnts) - 8 goals
Bryan Looi (Contact FireAnts) - 7 goals
Mekanath Selvaraj (Frontliners Spartans) - 7 goals

Top Goal Scorers in Division-2:
Drew Steiert (Dalat Eagles) - 18 goals
Chiam Termin (Ztec 8Cers) - 8 goals
Loh Jo-Wyee (Ztec 8Cers) - 8 goals
Regan Mahoney (Dalat Eagles) - 8 goals

Top Assists in Division-1:
Sam Teoh (Innebandy!CO) - 6 assists
Khor Kuan Yang (Frontliners Spartans) - 5 assists
Bryan Looi (Contact FireAnts) - 4 assists

Top Assists in Division-2:
Yeoh Jun Wooi (Dalat Eagles) - 5 assists
Drew Steiert (Dalat Eagles) - 4 assists
Chiam Termin (Ztec 8Cers) - 3 assists
Riley Mahoney (Dalat Eagles) - 3 assists
Wong Ken Wye (Ztec 8Cers) - 3 assists

Top Points in Division-1:
Nicholas Yeoh (Contact FireAnts) - 11 pts (8 goals, 3 assists)
Edward Lim (Contact FireAnts) - 11 pts (8 goals, 3 assists)
Bryan Looi (Contact FireAnts) - 11 pts (7 goals, 4 assists)
Khor Kuan Yang (Frontliners Spartans ) - 10 pts (5 goals, 5 assists)
Sam Teoh (Innebandy!CO) - 9 pts (3 goals, 6 assists)

Top Points in Division-2:
Drew Steiert (Dalat Eagles) - 22 pts (18 goals, 4 assists)
Chiam Termin (Ztec 8Cers) - 11 pts (8 goals, 3 assists)
Loh Jo-Wyee (Ztec 8Cers) - 10 pts (8 goals, 2 assists)
Regan Mahoney (Dalat Eagles)- 9 pts (8 goals, 1 assist)

Fastest Goal in a Game: 2 seconds
(Goal scored by Edward Lim of Contact FireAnts against Innebandy!CO)

Longest Wait for a Goal in a Game: 18mins 48secs
(Goal scored by Joon Han of Ztec 8Cers against Contact Bullets)

Team that Scored the Most Goals:
Division-1: Contact FireAnts - 32 goals
Division-2: Dalat Eagles - 62 goals

Team that Conceeds the Least Goals:
Division-1: Contact FireAnts - 16 goals
Division-2: Dalat Eagles - 10 goals

Greatest Score Margin:
Division-1: Contact FireAnts vs Minden UniHawks (10-4)
Division-2: Dalat Eagles vs Frontliners Trojans (17-0)

Team with Most Bench Penalties:
Division-1: Frontliners Spartans - 9
Division-2: Contact Bullets - 5

Team with Least Bench Penalties:
Division-1: Innebandy!CO - 1
Division-2: Frontliners Trojans - 2

We are sure that there are many more fun facts, but we shall not go on. So, here's a final look at the results and the league table:

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Catch Me if You Can!

2 Seconds! That was how long (or should we say, how short) it took for Contact FireAnts to score their first goal against Innebandy!CO. From that point on, we knew that we had to run as fast as we could, and play "Catch me, if you can". That was exactly what the FireAnts did. Playing as one united front, pushing high and looking for goals, we managed to take a 4 goal lead by midway of the first period. Something that everyone did not expect! Innebandy pulled one back towards the end of the first period through a Sam-Deswyn combo to make the half time score 4-1. A scoreline that we were happy with at the end of the first period.

The second period started with the FireAnts pushing again after a good break. Yet again, within the first minute, we managed to put one into the net. And another one by the second minute. "Catch me, if you can!" 6-1 and FireAnts were holding a comfortable lead. However, we also have to be honest that we were really tired with all the running and movement. So, with the comfortable lead, we decided to play more defensively. Knowing that Innebandy was also a tactical team, we had to be very focused. Penny, the FireAnts captain then took the role of line coach to help all stay in focus and to make sure that the lines and changes were strong enough to ward off the Innebandy attack. Innebandy moved the ball around well, pressed hard and scored 2 goals, but unforced errors in front of their goal gave the FireAnts opportunities to take those 2 goals back. And we did! 8-3 victory, and the Division 1 gold medal to Contact FireAnts!

We want to end the league by giving Glory to God! Although Team Contact is made up of people from different faiths, we all acknowledge that there is an Almighty God and that even though we are all made differently with different backgound, personalities, and skills; the Almighty has brought us together into this great team. The unity in the team is great. The fun (and makan) that we have together is great. We love this team! ... 321-CONTACT! *cheers*

FireAnts and Innebandy after the deciding game.